"It can be a better world, if we all just give a little"
Maria Lopez's words of advice were to make the world better through giving as she made a heart-felt retirement speech this past Saturday...

Maria's retirement celebration!
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff of St. Elizabeth Shelters and Supportive Housing we would like to invite you to honor Maria...

"Our guests are my heroes"
After a lifetime of dedication to the community Maria Lopez is retiring! Help us send her off in style! When St. Elizabeth Shelter opened...

Joani and Christ Church Santa Fe
Joani and her team at Christ Church Santa Fe are integral participants in our community, serving and coming alongside our homeless neighbors

Men's Shelter Van Challenge
The van that the shelter uses daily to pick up food, supplies and equipment, as well as drive our guests experiencing homelessness to import

St. E's Farewell to Jake Fulmer
There’s no question, Jake did a lot and gave a lot of himself to Santa Fe and people experiencing homelessness. He gave it with love, patien

St. E’s Employee Honored as State’s Best
"He’s a miracle worker.” So says Paige Kitson, street outreach program director for Youth Shelters & Family Services, when asked wh

A Reflection on the Men's Shelter Internship by Stacey Xie
What better way to exercise the concepts that I learned at St. John’s College than devoting my time and energy into helping the city's l

Cleaning Up the Santa Fe River
We held our most recent river cleanup this past Saturday, Feb. 10. It was a city-wide event, hosted by the Santa Fe Watershed Association, t

Photos of our Shelter Cat's Recovery
"Whiskers is doing absolutely wonderful! He's having a difficult time getting around though - learning that he only has one leg. He