Men's Shelter Van Challenge

Our Men’s Emergency Shelter faces a challenge in transportation. The van that the shelter uses daily to pick up food, supplies and equipment, as well as drive our guests experiencing homelessness to important medical appointments and job interviews, is on its last legs.
The 1992 Mazda MPV was valued at $1,500 in 2013 when it was generously donated by our former board member, volunteer, and longtime friend, Father Jim Wolff. Sadly, it needs to be replaced. All too often it leaves us stranded around town when it stops running or refuses to start.
We’re not looking at replacing it with anything fancy – a stripped down new or another used van will suffice, as long as it’s reliable, in good condition and will last for a while. We’re anticipating spending $20,000 or so and have received $13,000 toward this total from two donors. The remaining amount needed, while not overwhelming, is still somewhat daunting, as it is an unanticipated and unbudgeted expense for which we don’t have any funds available.
If you are able to offer your support, you can donate online or mail us a check. To donate online, click here and check off the box for the van challenge. If mailing a check, please write “Men’s Shelter Van Challenge”on the note line of the check and send to:
804 Alarid St.
Santa Fe, NM
Any help you can give at this time will be greatly appreciated by our staff and guests.