St. E’s Employee Honored as State’s Best
"He’s a miracle worker.” So says Paige Kitson, street outreach program director for Youth Shelters & Family Services, when asked wh
A Thank You Song for St. Es Volunteers ~ "Beginners"
St. Es Men's Shelter supervisor, Ben Myler, wrote this song "Beginners" as a tribute to the St. Elizabeth Shelter & Supportive Housing...
Schedule a St. Es Presentation!
Throughout our 30th year, we're making presentations to groups in the community that share our commitment and concern for the less...
Thank You Rice Bowl Fund!
St. Elizabeth Shelters and Supportive Housing received a $1000 grant from the Catholic Relief Services local monies Rice Bowl Fund. There...
Lobby Day at the Roundhouse
All New Mexicans deserve a safe home that they can afford. On Wednesday, January 27, 2016 a team from St. Es (including managers, staff,...
Sock Drive sponsored by Art.i.Fact
Socks. They are a basic element of everyone’s wardrobe, but for hundreds of Santa Fe families, a warm pair of socks is a luxury....
The Fabulous Baker Boys
Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and start all over if you want things to get better. That’s just what Michael Baker did this...
"I wanted to do something to help my friend and other kids"
A little girl named Neve wrote this inspiring letter after dropping off donations to our Casa Familia facility with her mom: "A few weeks...
Shop to End Homelessness in Santa Fe
On Wednesdat, October 7, 2015 BOTH Whole Foods Markets in Santa Fe have committed to giving St. Es 5% of the days total sales! This will...
AA Meetings
AA Meetings are held on : Mondays and Fridays from 7:30-8:30 at the Men's Emergency Shelter : 804 Alarid (across from La Choza). All are...