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This list is of most commonly distributed items. For program specific wish list see below.


Laundry Detergent
Tooth brushes
Tooth paste
Foot powder
Body soap
Over-the-Counter medications
Nail clippers
Sewing kits
Feminine personal care products
AA/9-volt batteries
New twin mattresses
Kitchen utensils
Kitchen pots and pans
Dish soap
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Cleaning supplies
Sleeping bags
Non-perishable food
Stocking caps and gloves

To help the homeless get back on their feet and provide them with personal care items, we are always grateful for those willing to donate items. Such as personal care items, cleaning supplies, gently used socks and much more. Please call or contact us with any questions.

Program Wish List


Please call (982-6611) or bring the smaller items to St. Elizabeth at 804 Alarid Street.

Clothing – Hats, gloves, boots, shoes, socks, men’s jackets, sweaters, hooded sweatshirts, long underwear, winter outerwear.
Personal hygiene – Disposable razors, shampoo, deodorant, chapstick.
Other – Sleeping bags, sleeping pads or mats, blankets.
Food – Milk, juice, fresh fruits, bottled water, cheese, ground beef, chicken, pork, ham, turkey, roasts.
Non-food items –  Non-alcoholic cough syrup, thera-flu, multivatimins, Emergen-C® packets, cough drops, Vitamin C, lip balm, band aids, alka-seltzer cold®, pepto-bismol®, hand sanitizer, hand wipes, tissues, Lysol spray, foot powder.
Volunteers – Handyman/woman for repairs, front-desk receptionists for 4- to 8-hour blocks of time once a week, cooks for dinners any night.


Please call (983-2042) or bring the smaller items to Casa Familia at 1604 Berry Ave.


Clothing – Women’s underwear, socks, warm jackets, shoes, weather-appropriate boots; girl’s/boy’s clothing, school uniforms.
Personal Hygiene - Shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene products, disposable razors (female), toothbrushes, toothpaste, band aids, hair brushes, foot powder, body soap, nail clippers, nail files, deodorant (women’s) alka-seltzer cold®, pepto-bismol®, over-the-counter medication (ibuprofen), baby wipes, baby powder.
Food - Non-perishable food, water, juice, spices.
Other - Blankets, bed sheets (twin), diapers (all sizes, particularly 2-5), cleaning supplies, dish soap, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, latex-free gloves, kitchen utensils, kitchen pots & pans, water bottles, shower shoes, AA/9-volt batteries, backpacks (adult & children), bus passes (Santa Fe Trails one-day, round trip or monthly), passes for community activities (eg. Chavez Center or Children’s Museum), standard tools for home repair.
Volunteers - Front-desk receptionists from 4- to 8-hour blocks of time once a week, cooks for dinner any night.

Please call (471-3456) to discuss their current needs before bringing them to the facility at 3811½ Cerrillos Road.

Household Items - Pots & pans, bedding, furniture, cleaning supplies, light bulbs.
Larger Items - Flatscreen tvs, computers & laptops, fencing materials. 

Please bring to 3007 S. St. Francis Drive (behind Albertson’s) but call first (505-494-4231) for furniture.

Personal Hygiene: Shampoo, conditioner, disposable razors, toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair brushes, body soap/wash, nail clippers & files, deodorant, sun screen, cough drops, feminine pads/tampons.
Household Items: Cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, pots/pans, crockpots, kitchen & cooking utensils, full size sheets/blankets, towels, dish soap, dish towels, toilet paper, paper towels, vacuum cleaners.
Other: AA/AAA/9-volt batteries, bus passes.

St. Elizabeth Sheltersnd Supportive Housing

It is illegal to Discriminate Against Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status or National Origin.

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988)



© 2024 St. Elizabeth Shelter Corporation

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