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"It can be a better world, if we all just give a little"

Maria Lopez's words of advice were to make the world better through giving as she made a heart-felt retirement speech this past Saturday at her send-off. Maria gave a whole lot during her 32 year career at St. Elizabeth's men's emergency shelter. She constantly gave of herself day-in and day-out by acknowledging humanity in others and exerting compassion not only to those experiencing homelessness but to all that she came into contact with.

We at St. E's are honored to have worked with Maria, she had such a tremendous impact throughout the years that we hope to continue in her example. St. E's proudly recognizes her commitment to the mission and to our community for which she is a true inspiration! She has inspired so many with her big heart; we wish her all the best in the years to come!

A big thank you to all of you for ensuring that Maria's send-off was a hit! All of the love and special memories that poured in for Maria from around the country (and globe) is truly amazing and is appreciated! Special thanks to the Ernest Gonzales & Mariachi Conquistadores, The Santa Fe New Mexican, Ari Burack, Gabriela Campos, St. E's supporters, St. E's board of directors, Executive Director Edward Archuleta, Jake Fulmer, Adolph Cata, Calvin Fields and all of those that ensured Maria's retirement was a memorable one!

See the wonderful article about Maria in the Santa Fe New Mexican, and please give to support our mission to end the cycle of homelessness. We always appreciate your support!

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St. Elizabeth Sheltersnd Supportive Housing

It is illegal to Discriminate Against Any Person Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, Handicap, Familial Status or National Origin.

We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988)



© 2024 St. Elizabeth Shelter Corporation

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