Joani and Christ Church Santa Fe

Joani (left) with St. E's Tang Dao
St. Elizabeth Shelter would like to say a big thank you to Joani Brenneisen and Christ Church Santa Fe for their most recent donation of backpacks to our men's shelter! Joani and her team at Christ Church Santa Fe are integral participants in our community, serving and coming alongside our homeless neighbors in many ways. The church provides thousands of bag lunches each month to hungry people in Santa Fe, and each summer the group donates high quality dinners to our men's and women's shelters. We are so grateful for Joani and the church's consistent dedication over the years. To learn more about their generosity to our friends and neighbors click here.
Would you like to volunteer at the shelter?
We are seeking volunteers who can provide our guests
with rides to important housing, work-related, and medical appointments.
Visit our volunteer page here.