Art.i.fact Annual Sock Drive

Now through the end of January, Art.i.Fact is collecting new and gently used socks to benefit Casa Familia Urgent Transition Center, our shelter for families and women. Casa Familia receives regular donations of clothing (including those from Art.i.fact), but good socks are in short supply. Please bring new or gently-worn (and clean!) pairs of wool or wool-blend socks to Art.i.fact through Jan. 31 and receive 10% off any non-sale item in the store (excluding artwork). We'll also accept warm scarves, hats, and gloves. Many families who come to Casa Familia arrive with little more than the clothing on their backs. They often spend their days outside, traveling to job interviews, social service agencies, and community centers. They walk or take the bus and warm socks are essential. Please join us in helping out.